What an eventful weekend Hannah had. Here is Hannah with Colby and Abby. She had a wonderful time on Saturday when Diane and Abby came up along with Colby and Dave. Here is a picture of the three of them on our walk back from Faneuil Hall-it was a very nice day, and Hannah enjoyed spending the time outside. Even though she had to watch while the girls run around, she seemed to enjoy the time with them, and they really made her laugh. Hopefully soon, she too will be outside running and chasing squirrels with them. We walked along the Freedrom Trail, down by the Harbor, through the Boston Common and visited a very old and famous graveyard, where John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin's parents, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere and even Mother Goose are buried. Even the kids thought it was very interesting.

On Sunday, we walked over to Faneuil Hall again and visited Build A Bear. Hannah shared her gift certificate with her sister, and here they are with their creations. It was so nice seeing her enjoying the place just as the other kids did, and forgetting if only for a short period of time, about all this craziness, just being a kid again. It was so nice to see, and fun for all of us. We have never been to Build a Bear before, WOW! We had a quick lunch there too, where Hannah promptly bit into her piece of pizza, then swallowed her tooth. She has lost 2 teeth since we've been here.
Here spirits and her appetite seem to perk up on the weekends. Hopefully, we only have 2 weekends left, if all goes well and her treatments continue on schedule.
Hi Hannah
It was so wonderful to see you outdoors with your sister Colby and friend Abby. Looks like you really had a fun day!! How was that pizza inspite of losing your tooth. The bear looks like a real ballerina are you going to give her ballet lessons?
May this week of treatments fly by and you have no ill effects.
My love and prayers are with you each day.
Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Baker
PS Hi to Mom too.
HI Hannah -
Well, your Yankees (and my Mets) both won their first games! Love the picture of you, Colby and Abby. I'll send the Shelf Elf and the joke tape up as soon as I can. Must run - my son Sean (7th Grade) wants to bake cookies (he learned a new recipe in class at achool) and I don't want to discourage the notion! Do you think some day he'll want to cook dinner?!?!!?!
Hope the next couple of weeks fly by for you. Hope the Easter Bunny knows his way around 'Bean-town!' - I got lost there once years ago.
Ms. Charters