Thursday, April 5th
Treatment #21 today, now that sounds good. It seems that we learn a little more each day about Hannah's treatment. The treatment now is very quick. She is in the treatment room for a total of 20 minutes, sometimes even a bit less. Her actual radiation time is about 1 minute in total. She has 2 fields of radiation, both in the tumor (boost) area, and each get about 30 seconds of radiation. The rest of the time in the room is set up time on the machine to position her in exactly the right position to ensure the correct field of radiation. To be off by even a fraction of an inch could damage her hearing, or her growth or cognitive capabilities, or many other things, so they are very careful and measure everything precisely before the radiation is performed.
On a happy note, today we went to an Easter Egg Hunt in the healing garden. The healing garden is a very serene and peaceful place in the cancer center here. It's on the 8th floor of the building, on the roof, both inside and outside. It's really a very beautiful and comforting place, except for today when it was hopping with excited kids looking for eggs. We had a great time both at the hunt and at the party following in the oncology office afterwards. Here is a picture of Hannah back in her room with her eggs, including the golden egg!
After the egg hunt, Grandma and Grandpa showed up with Colby! Here is Grandpa with Hannah. We took them all on a tour, and went down to the 4th floor of the main hospital, to show them our latest find on one of our adventures-a mummy! The first operation using ether gas for sedation was performed here in MGH in the ether dome in 1846. The ether dome is a theater arena which was used for observation during this monumental surgery. In the ether dome is an encased mummy, an artifact given to the hospital complete with it's sarcophagus (mummy case) which is very elaborately painted.
They also have all the tools used in the operation, as well as some other interesting artifacts. It is in the national historic register. After the tour, and a home cooked meal by Grandma, Hannah immediately had Colby engaged in card game after card game. Hannah is excited that they will be staying through the rest of the weekend.
Thanks again for you ongoing support, love and prayers. It is very comforting to us to continue to have so much contact with everyone, even though we have been gone now for over 2 months. It makes Hannah feel that she is still very much a part of things though the support of all of you wonderful people and that is very important to her emotionally. I wish we could attend the upcoming fundraiser for Hannah, but will still be in Boston. My mom and dad are looking forward to it though, enjoy!
After the egg hunt, Grandma and Grandpa showed up with Colby! Here is Grandpa with Hannah. We took them all on a tour, and went down to the 4th floor of the main hospital, to show them our latest find on one of our adventures-a mummy! The first operation using ether gas for sedation was performed here in MGH in the ether dome in 1846. The ether dome is a theater arena which was used for observation during this monumental surgery. In the ether dome is an encased mummy, an artifact given to the hospital complete with it's sarcophagus (mummy case) which is very elaborately painted.
Thanks again for you ongoing support, love and prayers. It is very comforting to us to continue to have so much contact with everyone, even though we have been gone now for over 2 months. It makes Hannah feel that she is still very much a part of things though the support of all of you wonderful people and that is very important to her emotionally. I wish we could attend the upcoming fundraiser for Hannah, but will still be in Boston. My mom and dad are looking forward to it though, enjoy!
Hi Hannah,
My name is Foster. A friend told me about your blog. It is so cool! great pictures of you, your friends and family. I am praying for you too. I will be checking up on you on your blog.
I put your clown picture on my computer screen. Your new friend, Foster
hi Hannah,
Liza (Charley's aunt) told me about your blog and I spent some time this morning reading about you. You are incredibly cute and so brave - I am proud to become one of your new friends !!
I live in Vermont with my husband, a golden retriever and two horses. I saw that you received a bouquet of horse cookies so I wondered if you love horses as much as I do !
I will check in on you often and wish you many more good days and lots of those beautiful smiles.
love and hugs,
Hi Hannah,
My name is Joanna. A co-worker told me about your blog. I work with Liza Charley’s aunt. I work and live in New York City. I think your blog is so cool!!! I love it especially your pictures I think they look great. My favorite picture is the one with the Yankees tattoo I think they look so cute. I will keep you in my prayers and will check up on you through your blog.
Hi Hannah!
My name is Angela. I heard about your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend...gee! you have a lot of friends! I work at the Rainforest Alliance with Liza in New York.
So, you are a Yankee fan too?
I saw a photo of you on your blog with a large wall of decorations and I couldn't believe it when I saw an octopus there! And a whale and dolphin, too.
You must really like animals? I love animals. Especially all of the animals that live in the sea. Octopuses are my favorite. Did you know that octopuses collect shiny objects along the bottom of the sea to decorate their little cave-houses? Pretty neat huh?
Well, brave girl, I will check in on your blog to see how you are doing. I know everything will be all right.
Ciao bella!
Hey Hannah
I see you are a Yankee fan like me. I have been rooting for the Yankees since I was your age, and I can say its been a very good thing. Because they are great. They try hard and win a lot. So that's been a great lesson for me. Trying hard is the right thing to do. I know you are already doing that. I know that you are a great kid and will soon be completely better.
I live on Long Island too near you. And that's the best.
Your friend
Hi Hannah-
Jake, Isabella, Andy, Sophie (our Golden Retreiver) and I (your Mom's friend, Sue) want to wish you all a fun and happy Easter! Say Hi to your dad, Colby and Grandma and Grandpa for us....we're all thinking of you and praying for you! We check your blog every day for new reports!!!
Hi Hannah
I am a cancer survivor and I congratulate you on your bravery in facing all these treatments. I know it can be very tiring but I know I always looked for one happy or funny thing every day. I'm glad to see you laughing and smiling in so many of your pictures. Before you know it, you'll be back home and going to Memorial Sloan Kettering. I was treated there too. You'll have to tell us which of their buildings you will be treated at...I can give you good tips on what's neat at the different buildings and where to go for good eats! I also heard about your blog from Charley's aunt ....we work in the same company.
So keep cheerful and I will pray for your continuing recovery. I will visit again!
Maria (
Hi Hannah-
My name is Jessica and I heard about your blog from Liza, who is your friend Charly's aunt. I work with Liza in New York. I have a little brown dog named Charlie, just like your friend!
I looked through the pictures and stories on your blog and you seem like a very strong little girl! Even though we've never met I've very proud of you. I'll keep thinking happy thoughts about you getting better!
Hi Hannah,
My name is Lisa and I live in Connecticut. I am a friend of Charley's Aunt Liza and I have actually met Charley several times. Any friend of Charley's is a friend of mine!
I just wanted to let you know that I think your blog is terrific. You are such a strong and happy girl. It is so cool that you can keep all your friends (and it is clear that you have soooooo many!) up to date on how you're doing.
How is your Webkinz Chihuahua doing? (That's not an easy word to spell!) My niece recently introduced me to the world of Webkinz -- she has Cheeky Dog as a pet. Do you do different jobs each day so you can buy treats and things for your dog? I'm still just learning how it all works, but it looks like a lot of fun!
I will keep an eye on your blog to see how you're doing. I think the photos of you and your family are terrific. I look forward to reading soon that you're on your way home!!! I'm thinking of you in my prayers and sending you my best wishes.
Take good care.
Another new friend,
Hola Hannah,
Just checking in to see how it is going with your grandparents and Colby visiting. I hope your granpa paid up for all those meals you have been eating! Keep it up and you will have college covered!
Isnt it great to see all the new friends you have all over the world - keep an eye out for some new countries to be heard from - more surprises on the way there I think.
I am going to head out to Mattituck now and will be having dinner with Charley and Maisy - we will be sure to have a chat about you later this evening.
On Sunday I am heading to Italy for a vacation - if I can get logged onto the internet I will be sure to send you a note from there, otherwise I will check in when I get back.
You should start keeping a map from all the countries & states heard from and then maybe visit everyone when you can! That would be a great trip.
Oh yeah, one more thing - what was in the golden egg? I hope you found some good surprises in there.
Happy Easter honey - keep an eye out for the Bunny and have fun with your family this weekend.
Hi Hannah,
Im Patrick. Your blog was forwarded to me by a friend. I have a daughter almost your age and she is as beautiful as you!
My father was recently diagnosed with Cancer and he has brave at the moment like you.
Be good and I will check in again soon.
Your new friend,
Hi Hannah,
You are one of the bravest little girls I have ever seen! I'll keep checking your blog. You have so many great pictures up here.
Keep smiling that amazing smile.
Sending you best wishes from NYC.
Happy Easter, Hannah, Colby, Mom and Dad and to Grandma and Grandpa too! You're making great progress and we can't wait to get you back in Mattituck! I'm glad you enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt and found the golden egg! The photos are wonderful!! I'm amazed by all the new friends you've been making with the blog. Love to you all, Mrs. Moore
Hi Hannah,
My name is Lou. I came in to work today and there are Easter eggs hidden everywhere. It's great that you found a Golden Egg! We had some Golden Eggs hidden too, but I could not find one. I live in Colorado and it's cold here today.
I lived in New Jersey until I moved out here. The Rocky Mountains are beautiful. We take my dog Cole on walks in the mountains often. He likes to sniff around. Sometimes we see Moose. Cole is a schnoodle and he is nice to people, but barks at other dogs.
I hope that you enjoy your Easter.
Your Friend, Lou
Hi Hannah-Charley's Aunt Liza has all of us at the Rainforest Alliance admiring your beautiful smiles and reading about how strong you've been.
Do you like animals as much as Charley does? Check out this page for lots of cool facts about rainforest animals and plants:
And this page has a bunch of cool coloring pages and stories of kids and animals who live in rainforests:
What did you find in that golden egg? I'm going to be with my niece and nephew this weekend in Nyack, NY and will be hiding a bunch of eggs for them.
Happy Easter!
Love from New York City,
I just found out about your blog. You are very brave! You are in my thoughts and prayers. My name is Jeff. I am friends with someone who works with a lady who is the aunt of one of your friends. I wish you all the best in your receovery. Stay strong, Hannah. You are a testament of the human spirit.
Warm wishes,
Hi Hannah,
My name is Paul. I am an old friend of your mom's from high school. We met about 5 years ago, but you probably don't remember. I do remember that you were almost as cute as you are now!
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I have to say that you are one amazing young lady.
My children and I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana. My son Cameron is a big Yankee fan like you! I like the White Sox.
I am really glad to see that you will be going home soon. I really like reading your blog and I like the pictures that your mom posts on your site. They are really cool.
Well I hope that you have a happy Easter with your family. I will keep checking on you from your blog.
Your new friend, Paul
This comment is from colby. I am in a library right now in Boston. At this moment you are at a doctors appointment. Next we will be going to a dance party 3:00 at the hospital.
see you then.
Hello Hannah,
You have a great blog!
My name is Miriam, my family and some friends call me Mimi, you can also call me like that. I am from Guatemala located in Central America. A friend from NY told me about your blog, and I am happy that I spent the time to navegate into it. Let me tell you that God loves children the most, so I am praying him for your health. Keep smiling and enjoying your family as much as you can! I hope to here from you some day, my e-mail is, best wishes, Mimi
Hi Hannah!
My name is Emily. A friend of mine also told me about your blog. You have such great pictures!! I'm glad you're doing so well. I hope the Easter Bunny brings lots of yummy treats this weekend!
Lots of prayers are coming your way,
Dear Hannah,
(This is emilie's paragraph to you) Hannah I hope that you liked the gift that all of the horsewhisperers sent you. All of the 4-H wants you to come back and hope that all goes well. I hope all goes well too. I'm glad that you are coming home.
(Now this is Tori's paragraph) Heyy hannah banana! i am sooooo happy to hear that you are comming home soon! i hope that everything goes wonderful. do you like that backpack that i made for you? i picked out all thing things special for you. just remember, your friends are always there for help when you need it.
Love always,
Tori :)
(Last but not least, Abby's paragraph)
Hannah I hope you liked the gifts we brought up to you. I really liked the time I had with you, and I like when we went to the park and chased squirrels and pet the dogs. I didn't want to leave you, your mom, colby and your dad in Boston. I had a magnificent time with you,and I can't wait until you come back on 4-18-07. your in my prayers.
Lots of love,
Abby (one of your BFFL)
Hi Hannah Banana or is it hannah Montana??I saw that show on tv the other day. I love all the pictures on the Blog. Your easter egg hunt looks like it went well what was in your golden egg?? We are coloring easter eggs tonight and playing Huckle buckle and taste. Do you remember those games??Hope you had fun at the dance. How is your mealy worm?? Did Colby kiss it goodnight? Yuck! I owe her .50 for eating her ice cream last weekend. Is grandpa giving you $$$$$ I hope so. I love your NY stickers keep those Bostonites on their toes. Have a Hoppy Hoppy Easter my little star love and kisses and blessings to you and the whole family, Goodnight
Hi Hannah,
WOW, a golden egg! I have been hunting eggs for 50 years and I never found Gold easter egg. I get excited when I find my glasses.
I am from Mississippi. thats "way down south". Have you ever been here? you know when you get close because southerners talk different. Sorry, but most southerners are not Yankee fans,
but those were cool looking stickers on your face.
You have a great smile. I know it makes me smile and I bet everyone too.
Keep smilin Hannah
Keep smiling Hannah. It Everyone caSmiles
Hi Hannah,Colby,Kim,Dave,Grandma, and Grandpa,
Happy Easter, we think about you guys and pray for you everyday, your wonderful blog is becoming very popular. We cannot wait for you guys to get home, it will be real soon, see ya then, God bless,Love,Sue and Tom
Go Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Hannah,
My daughter (her name is Bailey and she's 9) and I have been keeping up with all your activities. We live in Indiana and are mostly Chicago sports fans. Sorry! ;) Wow! You are an incredibly busy girl. We love your blog and the pictures. You're always so smiley. You are so lucky to have so many wonderful friends and many many prayers. We hope you have a wonderful Easter. We will be thinking of you and your family.
Mary & Bailey Holkan
Mrs. Krause said:
Hi Hannah! Congratulations on finding the golden egg. I loved reading about the cool mummy and sarcophagus that you took your grandparents to see. We took Kyle to the Museum of Natural History yesterday but it was very crowded.
We ate hotdogs on a bench outside Central Park but it was still cold. It made me smile to see the picture of you, Colby, and Abigail and I'm so glad you can get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Please wish everyone a Happy Easter for me. I hope the Easter Bunny brings you some neat things.
Love, Mrs. Krause
Dear Kim, Dave, Colby, Hannah and the rest of the Prokop Family,
Have a terrific Easter. We are glad to hear things are going as well as can be expected. You are all in our thoughts and prayers as are your new friends at the hospital with you. We are looking forward to the fundraiser and for your upcoming return home.
Much love,
The Bugdins
Hi Hannah,
Happy Easter. We hope the Easter bunny gives you lots of good stuff. Go Yankees!! Didn't A Rod do awesome today?
Your friends,
James and Sean McDonald
Dear Hannah,
HAPPY EASTER! We know you must have gotten alot of good treats from the Easter bunny-we did, too.
We miss you and can't wait until you come home!
Love, Colleen & Joe
Hi Hannah, Colby, Kim and Dave,
Happy Easter from the Puricks. We are down in North Carolina visiting our relatives and wanted to let you know we all wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter.
It's really cold here - about 35 degrees! And we thought we were going to be warm here in the South....
Love the Puricks
Dear Hanna, I am Lorena Hidalgo, from Quito. Just recently I began to work for Rainforest Alliance. I've seen your pictures and yes, you are very cute. I am praying that you are healed soon and go back home soon too. My mother language is spanish so I take longer to write in english. I will be checking your blog daily to find out how you are doing.
Love. Lorena
April 8, 2007 3:15 PM